Average Wage of Staff and Workers and Related Indices
    平 均 货 币 工 资(元) 实 际 工 资 指 数(上年=100)
Average Wage (yuan) Indices of Real Wage (preceding year=100)
全部职工   全部职工  
国有经济         国有经济        
集体经济 经济类型 集体经济 经济类型
Year Total State-owned Urban Others Total State-owned Urban Others
  Staff and   Collective-   Staff and   Collective-  
  Workers   owned   Workers   owned  
1952 435 438 364          
1957 566 598 457   103.0 102.9 102.9  
1962 577 593 453   107.5 107.9 107.7  
1965 627 647 495   102.3 102.5 102.6  
1970 568 590 451   99.4 99.6 99.6  
1975 564 579 484   99.5 99.7 98.6  
1978 592 608 512   105.5 105.9 104.5  
1980 726 753 592   107.2 107.2 106.8  
1985 1075 1128 901 949 107.5 107.3 108.2 106.7
1986 1268 1338 1035 1180 111.3 111.9 108.4 117.3
1987 1394 1471 1139 1308 101.6 101.6 101.7 102.4
1988 1688 1788 1351 1910 102.4 102.7 100.3 123.4
1989 1821 1940 1421 1870 93.1 93.6 90.8 84.5
1990 2019 2166 1522 2002 109.6 110.3 105.8 105.8
1991 2156 2314 1629 2210 100.2 100.2 100.4 103.6
1992 2485 2685 1806 2537 106.2 106.9 102.2 105.8
1993 3035 3272 2157 3460 105.7 105.5 103.4 118.1
1994 4185 4531 2762 4896 106.0 106.4 98.8 110.5
1995 4839 5208 3303 5158 99.6 99.0 103.0 90.7
1996 5286 5653 3658 5625 101.5 100.9 102.9 101.4
1997 5692 6066 3843 6118 103.8 103.4 101.3 104.9
1998 5820 6169 3746 6190 103.6 103.0 98.8 102.5
1999 7022 7354 4836 7107 112.9 113.0 112.4 116.3
2000 7781 8146 5187 7846 110.3 110.2 106.7 109.9
2001 8730 9139 5746 8678 111.8 111.7 110.3 110.2
2002 10032 10578 6343 9537 116.5 117.4 112.0 111.5
2003 11189 11783 6919 10701 109.0 108.9 106.6 109.7
2004 12925 13576 7916 12527 111.4 111.1 110.3 112.9
2005 14707 15291 9041 14835 112.2 111.1 112.6 116.8
2006 16590 17152 10337 16882 110.9 110.3 112.4 111.9
2007 19911 20900 12443 19195 115.1 116.8 115.4 109.0
a) Indices of Real Wage was calculated on the basis of constant coverage in 1994.