Major Economic Indicators of Investment Over One Hundred Million under Construction (2007)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
建设单位及建设项目 开工时间 计划总投资 累计完成   累计新增
     完成投资 固定资产
首钢京唐钢铁联合有限责任公司首钢京唐公司钢铁厂 200703 6572800 496667 496667
Iron and Steel Plant of Jingtang Company, Shougang Group 
邯钢集团公司新区建设新区建设 200604 1937000 568743 481410 221518
New Plant Area of Han steel Group   
保定交通局张石高速 200512 1900000 306345 199090
Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway
冀东石油油气勘探开发工程 200101 1728240 1283544 650676 431660
Jidong Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Project
河北省电力公司河北省南网送变电 199706 1418229 1487425 418738 447785
Electricity Transportation and Transformation Project
 of Hebei's South Power Grid 
唐山市新戴河旅游开发有限公司岛内道路三通、浴场、码头建设 200206 1241000 40490 504 504
Infrastructure Construction of Road, Power, Water, Outdoor Bath
 Place, and Dock on the Dawanggang Island 
保定市交通局保阜高速公路 200612 1146000 89000 89000
Baoding-Fuping Expressway
华北电力集团河北北部送变电 199703 821140 598519 410118 205849
Electricity Transportation and Transformation Project
 of Hebei's North Power Grid
邢台市交通局七里河综合治理 200605 729000 118586 75467
Comprehensive Harness of Qilihe River, Xingtai
邯郸市交通局青兰高速邯郸西至涉县段 200501 728970 90000 85000 85000
WestHandan-Shexian Section of Qingdao-Lanzhou Expressway 
河北省高速公路管理局沿海高速公路 200508 632052 639253 236383
Hebei Section of the Coastal Expressway 
承德市交通局承唐高速路 200710 625956 70600 70600
Chengde-Tangshan Expressway
承德市交通局承朝高速路 200712 551131 551131 38650
Chengde-Chaoyang Expressway
河北国华沧东发电有限责任公司黄骅发电厂一期工程 200308 537068 487900 487900
The First Stage of Huanghua Power Plant
唐山唐曹高速公路有限公司唐山至曹妃甸高速公路 200701 523000 347314 347314
Tangshan-Caofeidian Expressway
国投曹妃甸港口有限公司曹妃甸煤炭码头起步工程 200603 508497 441330 275907
Preliminary Projects of Caofeidian Coal Wharf
承钢 300万吨钢及提钒  200704 501900 68940 68940
Project of 3-Million-Tons Steel Production and Vanadium Extraction,
 Chengde Xinxin Vanadium and Titanium Co. Ltd.
唐山市中厚板材有限公司120万吨中厚板项目  200311 500000 528630 166285 166285
1.2-Million Heavy-and-medium Plate Production Project,
 Tangshan Heavy-and-Medium Plate Co. Ltd.
河北西柏坡第二发电有限责任公司西柏坡电厂三期工程 200501 498000 403355 32291 32291
The Third Stage of Xibaipo Power Plant
国电河北龙山发电有限责任公司国电河北龙山发电厂一期工程 200503 494000 475200 144111 448809
The First Stage of Hebei Longshan Power Plant
河北保沧高速公路有限公司高速公路(保定段) 200412 484100 377850 197241
Baoding Section of Baoding-Cangzhou Expressway 
唐港铁路有限公司迁曹铁路 200510 481481 458993 46803 458993
Qianan-Caofeidian Railway
石家庄市交通局张石高速石家庄段 200511 479665 235500 145563
Shijiazhuang Section of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway
河北国华沧东发电有限责任公司黄骅发电厂二期工程 200705 477380 87811 87811
The Second Stage of Huanghua Power Plant
石家庄市环城公路建设指挥办公室石环公路 200509 477102 399002 130209 82100
Shijiazhuang Loop Road
张家口市交通局张石高速化稍营至蔚县段 200601 465236 319475 45475
Huashaoying-Yuxian Section of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway
峰峰集团锡盟能源化工开发办锡盟煤电化一体化项目 200605 459979 10270 2082 2082
Coal-and-Power Chemical Integration of Xilinguole League
华能国际电力股份有限公司上安电厂三期工程 200601 457750 265649 190000
The Third-Stage of Shangan Power Plant
河北省移动通信有限公司移动通信工程 199904 430480 430480 320480 479071
Telecommunication Project of Hebei Branch
 of China Mobile Communication Corporation
河北国华电定洲发电有限责任公司扩建二期 200708 429292 50164 50164
The Second Stage of the Extension Project
 of Hebei Guohua Dingzhou Power Co. Ltd.
秦皇岛港务集团有限公司煤五期工程 200501 425300 420153 34634 420153
The Fifth Stage of Coal Wharf of Qinhuangdao Port
秦皇岛抚宁县首秦金属材料有限公司首秦宽厚板配套技改二期 200601 419958 465911 70531 465911
The Second Stage of Technical Transformation of the Supporting Project of
 Wide-Heavy Steel Plate Production, Shouqin Metal Material Co. Ltd., Funing
河北张河湾蓄能发电有限责任公司张河湾电站 200312 412000 318100 100000 294
Zhanghewan Power Station
中信国安第一城国际会议展览中心会展中心 199204 400000 485000 182000
International Meeting and Exhibition Center, Zhongxin Guo'an Diyicheng 
张家口市交通局张承高速公路张家口至崇礼段 200704 377241 75636 75636
Zhangjiakou-Chongli Section of Zhangjiakou-Chengde Expressway 
河北省高速公路管理局廊坊至涿州高速公路 200508 339603 222948 91950
Langfang-Zhuozhou Expressway
唐山曹妃甸实业开发有限责任公司曹妃甸矿石码头一期工程 200503 327407 304862 32061
The First Stage of Caofeidian Ore Wharf
唐山市交通局唐山市中心区环线工程 200612 324000 258842 246000
Loop Road of Central Area of Tangshan
唐钢130万吨冷轧  200412 315853 138761 100 61375
1.3-million-ton Cold-rolled Steel Production, Tang Steel Co. Ltd.
航天三院涞水科技研发基地818工程  200710 300000 25500 25500
818 Project, Laishui Science and Technology R&D Base, The Third
 Astronautical Science and Technology Research Institute of China
保定天威英利新能源有限公司太阳能电池三期 200608 300000 103794 100553 80500
818 Project, Laishui Science and Technology R&D Base, The Third
 Astronautical Science and Technology Research Institute of China
中国石化集团管道储运公司曹妃甸原油码头及配套设施工程 200603 293700 162389 102389
Caofeidian Crude Oil Wharf and Supporting Project
沧州华润热电有限公司河北华峰沧州热电厂 200701 293000 189952 189952
Hebei Huafeng Cangzhou Thermal Power Plant
唐山港口投资有限公司京唐港33-34号煤炭泊位工程  200601 292964 260283 75000
33-34 Coal Berth Project of Jingtang Port
秦皇岛秦热发电有限公司热电厂三期扩建工程 200409 291600 286132 37999 276499
The third Stage of Extension of Thermal Power Plant, Qinre Power Co. Ltd. 
唐钢滦县司家营铁矿有限公司二期工程 200708 290000 13000 13000 13000
The Second Stage of Luanxian Sijiaying Iron Ore Co. Ltd., Tang Steel Co. Ltd.
三河发电厂二期工程筹建处二期工程 200505 287288 263998 126693 263998
The Second Stage of Sanhe Power Plant
张家口市交通局张石高速张北至旧罗家洼段 200409 286294 286294 10045
Zhangbei-Jiuluojiawa Section of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway
石家庄城市交通项目办公室石家庄城市交通项目 200003 285276 266500 47000
Shijiazhuang Urban Transport Project
长城汽车股份有限公司工业园三期 200508 284100 293685 201024 201024
The Third Stage of Industrial Zone of Great Wall Motor Co. Ltd.
唐钢滦县司家营铁矿有限责任公司 200406 280300 280300 131500 131500
Luanxian Sijiaying Iron Ore Co. Ltd., Tang Steel Co. Ltd.
国电怀安热电有限公司国电怀安热电厂工程 200609 278504 169513 149283
Huai'an Thermal Power Plant
成功(中国)大广场有限公司三河大广场 200503 278177 14790 2158
Sanhe Great Plaza Of Berjaya Corporation
滦电2×300兆瓦热电联产项目  200507 278155 166998 139731
2×300MW Cogeneration Project of Luanhe Power Company
邯郸市交通局青兰高速山东界至邯郸西段  200408 273140 273140 37140 37140
Handan Section of Qingdao-Lanzhou Expressway
河北华电石家庄裕华热电有限公司一期工程 200708 270920 44663 19472
The First Stage of Shijiazhuang Yuhua Thermal Power Co. Ltd.
河北省石黄高速公路沧黄段筹建处石黄高速公路沧州至黄骅段 200312 260000 273156 56915 273156
Cangzhou-Huanghua Section of Shijiazhuang-Huanghua Expressway
任丘市炼油厂500万吨炼油扩产项目  200504 260000 218100 100500
Extension of 5-million-ton Oil Refining Project of Renqiu Oil Refining Plant
沧州市交通局津汕高速公路 200404 254970 250001 59019
Cangzhou Section of Tianjin-Shanwei Expressway
河北鑫港国际商贸中心 200408 250000 182882 41701
Hebei Xingang International Trade Center
沧保高速公路筹建处沧保高速公路(沧州段) 200503 242194 144855 50000
Cangzhou Section of Cangzhou-Baoding Expressway
邢台国泰发电有限责任公司2*300MW供热机组  200405 232059 197546 1980 197546
2×300MW Machine Set for Heat Supply,
 Xingtai Guotai Power Co. Ltd.
唐山不锈钢有限责任公司钢铁 200301 230299 358064 110297 110297
Tangshan Stainless Steel Co. Ltd.
邢台机械轧辊(集团)有限公司冷轧辊生产线 200404 230000 100732 48743
Cold Roll Production Line, Xingtai Mechanical Roll (Group) Co. Ltd.
镁铝渤海铝业有限公司热轧扩建 200605 222708 109950 99917
Extension of Hot Rolling Of ALCOA Bohai Aluminum Co. Ltd.
唐山佳华煤化工有限公司京唐港焦化厂一期工程 200312 210000 153072 13413
The First Stage of Jingtang Port
河北省联通通信有限公司设备购置 199804 201680 155306 35306
Equipment Procurement of China Unicom Hebei Branch
邯郸县代召乡中国重汽邯郸路神公司路神专用车生产线建设 200505 200000 22370 11000 8500
Lushen Special-purpose Vehicle Production line, Lushen Company,
 Handan, China Heavy-duty Truck Group
中国石油集团东方地球物理堪探有限责任公司 200501 200000 222463 221463 222463
Dongfang Geophysical Exploration Co. Ltd.,
 China National Petroleum Corporation
新奥高科工业有限公司新奥科技园 200406 200000 31567 13000 13000
Xinao Science and Technology Zone
经纬家具材料装饰城 200410 200000 158500 101500
Jingwei Center of Furniture and Decorative Materials
深圳市华为投资控股有限公司华为廊坊生产基地一期工程 200503 200000 45654 23378
The First Stage of Huawei Langfang Production Base
河北建设张家口风能有限公司沽源县东辛营20万千瓦风场项目 200710 195337 4013 4013
200,000 KW Wind Power Generation Project, Dongxinying, Guyuan
大唐国际发电股份有限公司蓝丰段地方铁路项目 200710 193871 18000 18000
Lanfeng Local Railway Project, Datang International Power Co. Ltd.
大唐保定热电厂八期扩建工程筹建处八期扩建工程 200501 184215 166627 48523
The Eighth Stage of Extension of Datang Baoding Thermal Power Plant
河北新一代动漫基地新建 200708 180600 6000 6000
Heibei Neo-Cartoon Base
河北科技大学新校区建设 200409 180000 114000 41000
New Campus of Hebei Science and Technology University
迁安联钢燕山钢铁公司二期扩建 200502 180000 160000 61000
The Second Stage of Extension of Qianan Liangang
 Yanshan Iron and Steel Company
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区公共港区冀东油田基地围海造地 200707 179873 70915 70915
Project of Land Reclamation of Jidong oil Field
乐亭县旅游开发总公司旅游开发 200203 176100 79100 15220 15220
Tourism Development Project of Laoting 
张家口市高新技术产业开发区建设局高新区道路建设及拆迁 200404 173900 70076 11398
Road Construction in Zhangjiakou High and New Tech Development Zone
三河中兴发展有限公司中兴北方产业基地 200706 165000 10000 10000
Zhongxing North Industrial Base
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区东南海堤二期工程 200710 163147 16908 16908
The Second Stage of Southeast Coastal Levee in Caofeidian Industrial Zone
张北单晶河200MW风电特许权  200704 160484 23338 23338
200 MW Wind Power Project, Danjinghe, Zhangbei
富士康精密电子(廊坊)有限公司富士康科技园一期工程 200701 158400 114003 114003 879
The First Stage of Foxconn Science and Technology Zone (Langfang)
唐山开滦东方发电有限责任公司建设工程 200605 153074 69176 63996 63996
Dongfang Power Co. Ltd., Kailuan, Tangshan
西古城村委会旧村改造 200504 150000 141991 52991
Reconstruction of Xigucheng Village, Shijiazhuang
河北新金钢铁有限公司综合技改配套工程 200701 150000 35000 35000
Integrated Technical Transformation Project of Hebei Xinjin Iron and Steel Co. Ltd.
唐县交通局张石高速公路唐县段 200606 150000 87385 56998
Tangxian Section of Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区滨海休闲区围海造地工程 200707 146569 85478 85478
Project of Land Reclamation of Coastal Health Resort, Caofeidian Industrial Zone 
滹沱河生态开发整治工程 200301 146000 95923 20000
Integrated Control of Ecological Environment of Futuohe River
张家口市交通局北京至化稍营高速公路 200612 145038 89454 71270
Beijing-Huashaoying Expressway
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区港池岛护岸工程 200710 144602 23608 23608
Protection of Coastal Levee of basin Island, Caofeidian Industrial Zone
中煤旭阳公司200万吨煤化工项目  200311 140000 93944 46882 967
Project of 2-million-ton Coal Chemical Industry, Xuyang Company,
 China National Coal Group Corporation
三河汇福粮油集团有限公司三河汇福物流园区项目 200602 140000 35000 25000
Sanhe Huifu Logistics Zone
唐山市开滦集团有限公司开滦技改 199005 135358 83858 83858 26828
Technical Transformation of Tangshan Kailuan Group Co. Ltd.
文安东都再生资源环保产业基地管理有限公司土地平整及购买设备 200603 135000 30460 18160
Land Grading and Equipment Procurement of Dongdu Resource-Recycling
 and Environment-Protection Industrial Base Co.Ltd.
河北省大港石化有限公司技改项目 200410 129000 33000 6000
Technical Transformation of Hebei Dagang Petroleum and Chemical Co. Ltd.
中钢集团滨海实业有限公司年产8万吨镍铁项目  200703 128311 15118 15118
80,000-ton  Nickel Iron Production of Binhai Company, Sinosteel Corporation 
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司综合服务区造地三期工程 200608 127237 98268 90456
The Third Stage of Land Reclamation, Caofeidian Integrated Service Zone
迁安市九江线材有限公司技改扩能工程 200503 126000 126000 61350
Extension and Technical Transformation of Jiujiang Wire Rod Co. Ltd., Qianan
晶龙集团太阳能电池续建 200607 125500 64682 38682
Continued Construction of Solar Battery Production Line, Jinglong Group
迁安市水务局滦河生态防洪工程 200304 125000 187600 91478
Project of Ecological Environment Protection
 and Flood Control of Luanhe River, Qianan
河北南波玻璃有限公司年产48万吨特种浮法玻璃项目 200708 123900 4000 4000
Project of 480,000-ton Special Float Glass Production, Hebei Nanbo Glass Co. Ltd.
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸加工工业区围海造地一期工程 200704 123075 59585 59585
The First Stage of Land Reclamation of Caofeidian Processing Industry Zone
河北沧州大化集团有限责任公司5万吨TDI项目 200512 123000 68000 46900
50000-ton TDI Project of Dahua Group Co. Ltd, Cangzhou, Hebei
唐山市丰润区鑫益钢铁有限公司二期 200605 120000 126445 60000 60000
The Second Stage of Xinyi Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., Fengrun, Tangshan
迁安联钢松汀钢铁有限公司200万吨钢扩建工程  200511 120000 103850 54563
Expanded Project of 2-million-ton Steel Production,
 Liangang Songting Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., Qianan
河北荣毅通信有限公司半导体照明产业化 200703 120000 5000 5000 5000
Project of Semi-conductor Lighting Industrialization,
   Hebei Rongyi Communication Co. Ltd.
迁安联钢轧一联成钢铁有限公司1250mm热轧生产线加热炉 200511 115000 122650 61272
Furnace of 1250-mm Hot Rolled Steel Production Line,
 Lianchen Steel Co. Ltd., Qianan Zhayi Steel Group 
河北大无缝铜业有限公司年产24万吨光亮铜材 200712 113535 5000 5000
240,000-ton Bright Copper Product Production Line, Hebei Seamless Copper Co. Ltd. 
张家口市城建开发总公司清水河综合治理三期工程 200711 113000 1728 1728
The Third Stage of Comprehensive Harness of Qingshuihe River
迁安大唐热电有限责任公司热力中心综合利用电厂工程 200608 111666 79269 63529
Combined Cycle Power Plant, Heat Supply Center of Datang Thermal Power Co. Ltd.
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区装备制造基地围海造地一期工程 200703 111663 81057 81057
The First Stage of Land Reclamation of Caofeidian Manufacture Zone
石家庄长安区长风办事处南翟营村住宅楼 200103 110000 91000 10000
Residential District of Nanzhaiying Village, Shijiazhuang
高阳县交通局高阳县交通局保沧高速公路高阳段 200410 110000 110000 20000 110000
Gaoyang Section of Baoding-Cangzhou Expressway
唐山曹妃甸造地有限公司曹妃甸工业区钢铁产业区北部围海造地工程 200706 107332 45940 45940
Land Reclamation of the North of Iron and
 Steel Industrial Sub-zone, Caofeidian Industrial Zone  
石家庄市桥东污水治理工程筹建处污水治理工程 200010 106195 105828 7000
Sewage Treatment Project, Qiaodong District, Shijiazhuang
河北津西型钢有限公司中小H型钢工程  200705 106000 60000 60000
Small-and-Medium Sized Section Steel Production Line,
 Hebei Jinxi Section Steel Co. Ltd. 
河北方北集团股份有限公司方北购物广场 200510 103200 18400 16400
Fangbei Shopping Mall, Hebei Fangbei Group Co. Ltd.
河北省吉泰特钢有限责任公司年产200万吨连铸钢坯生产线一、二期工程  200406 103000 95400 47000
The First and Second Stages of Production Line of 2-million-ton
 Continuous-cast Steel Billet, Hebei Jitai Special Steel Co. Ltd.
康保县国投张家口市风能有限公司国投河北康保100MW风电场工程  200711 101380 10034 10034 10034
100 KW Wind Power Plant, Kangbao, Hebei
张北县华田有限责任公司张北县仙那都国际生态度假村 200506 100818 32444 10744
Xiannadu International Ecological Vocational Village, Zhangbei
敬业集团中板生产线 200504 100672 100672 4024 4024
Medium Plate Production Line, Jingye Group
石家庄市裕华区裕东街道 大马村旧村改造 200601 100000 97000 65000
Reconstruction of Damacun Village,Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang
邯郸县兼庄乡华信国际汽车精品展销中心建设 200402 100000 57350 35500 25000
Huaxin Center of High-quality Auto Exhibitions and Sales,
 Jianzhuang, Handanxian County 
万隆陶瓷有限公司建筑陶瓷生产线 200612 100000 22100 15600 22100
Building Ceramics Production Line of Wanlong Ceramics Co. Ltd.
钢研院新材料产业园项目 200602 100000 30500 16000
Neo-material Industrial Zone, China Iron and Steel Research Institution
崇礼县塞北多乐美地度假有限公司  滑雪厂一期工程 200609 100000 8500 1500
The First Stage of Ski Arena, Saibei Duolemeidi Recreation Co. Ltd. 
中广核集团察北白塔管理处10万千万风电项目 200710 100000 1000 1000 6200
100,000 KW Wind Power Plant, Baita, Chabei Directorial Area
遵小地方铁路有限责任公司修铁路 200611 100000 20100 15100