Major Economic Indictors on Construction Enterprises
      Item 2000 2005 2006 2007
建筑业总产值(亿元) Gross Output Value of Construction  492.10 1285.29 1448.73 1614.69
                       (100 million yuan)        
竣工产值(亿元) Value of Building Completed 357.67 755.01 904.97 1008.38
                     (100 million yuan)        
产值竣工率(%) Rate of Value of Building Completed (%) 72.70 58.74 62.47 62.5
按总产值计算的劳动 Overall Labor Productivity in Terms  51217 108148 135067 150708
  生产率(元/人)   of Total Output Value(yuan/person)        
房屋建筑竣工面积(万平方米) Fioor Space of Buildings Completed(10000 sq.m) 3481.42 5744.23 6024.1 6311.0
  #住    Residential Houses  2260.98 3693.9 4080.2 4108.4
房屋面积竣工率(%) Rate of Fioor Space of Buildings Completed  (%) 55.6 51.0 48.0 47.0
人均竣工面积(平方米/人) Individual  Fioor Space of Buildings 36.0 48.3 56.2 58.9
     Completed (sq.m/person)        
年末固定资产原价(亿元) Fixed Assets Ender of year (original value) 185.15 315.30 331.81 349.10
                              (100 million yuan)         
年末固定资产净值(亿元) Fixed Assets Ender of year (net value) 125.09 211.54 258.77 258.50
                             (100 million yuan)         
利润总额 (亿元) Total Profits (100 million yuan) 6.74 29.41 31.66 44.26
人均利润(元/人) Individual Profit  (yuan/person) 701 2475 2952 4131
年末自有机械设备 Total Power of Machinery and Equipment 603.88 716.67 723.70 697.98
     Owned Ender of year (10000 kw)        
年末自有机械设备净值(亿元) Net Value of Machinery and Equipment  57.16 97.59 106.57 107.19
    Owned Ender of year(100 million yuan)        
技术装备率(元/人) Value of Machines per Laborer  (yuan/person) 6525 8212 9936 10005
动力装备率(千瓦/人) Power of Machines per Laborer  (kw/person) 7 6 7 6.5
资金利润率(%) Ratio of Capital (%) 1.41 3.31 3.16 3.8