Intermediate Consumption and Value-added of Farming, Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery as Percentage of Gross Output Value (2007)
单位:% (%)
City                       农林牧渔服务业
          Husbandry Fishery Service to Farming, Forestry,
Agriculture Forestry Animal       Animal Husbandry and Fishery
中间消耗 增加值 中间消耗 增加值 中间消耗 增加值 中间消耗 增加值 中间消耗 增加值
Intermediate Added Intermediate Added Intermediate Added Intermediate Added Intermediate Added
Exertion Value Exertion Value Exertion Value Exertion Value Exertion Value
    Total 32.57 67.43 23.79 76.21 52.78 47.22 40.89 59.11 55.55 44.45
石家庄市 Shijiazhuang 36.00 64.00 19.74 80.26 54.82 45.18 44.95 55.05 50.40 49.60
承 德 市 Chengde 33.03 66.97 22.35 77.65 52.65 47.35 37.78 62.22 49.50 50.50
张家口市 Zhangjiakou 42.59 57.41 34.65 65.35 45.10 54.90 50.11 49.89 48.00 52.00
秦皇岛市 Qinhuangdao 28.78 71.22 24.47 75.53 57.87 42.13 43.53 56.47 69.64 30.36
唐 山 市 Tangshan 30.00 70.00 23.93 76.07 50.66 49.34 44.77 55.23 46.75 53.25
廊 坊 市 Langfang 40.78 59.22 38.76 61.24 54.24 45.76 43.76 56.24 49.96 50.04
保 定 市 Baoding 33.02 66.98 39.37 60.63 56.99 43.01 47.06 52.94 49.62 50.38
沧 州 市 Cangzhou 37.00 63.00 35.00 65.00 55.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 57.61 42.39
衡 水 市 Hengshui 41.00 59.00 34.11 65.89 57.90 42.10 49.42 50.58 60.00 40.00
邢 台 市 Xingtai 34.20 65.80 49.44 50.56 55.25 44.75 44.63 55.37 63.67 36.33
邯 郸 市 Handan 35.30 64.70 41.84 58.16 55.17 44.83 47.39 52.61 59.00 41.00
a) Data in value in this table are calculated at current prices.